Paralyzed Wax
I am paralyzed from the chest down, leaving me very sedentary. After my auto accident and before I was to be discharged from rehabilitation, my doctor wanted to look in my ears. He stuck a small exact-to knife looking piece of metal straight in my ear. Then he pulled it out and on it was what looked like a tablespoon of gross yellow looking gunk. Is that TMI? Sorry, but it is the truth.
I had both ears cleaned out and my gosh, it felt wonderful. I could hear better and my ears no longer “itched” like they had been. As I rolled outside the breeze picked up and it felt like it went right through me. I was freezing on an 80 degree day!
I try to get my ears cleaned twice a year. You can clean them two ways; candling or a nurse visit and I have done both. Candling requires the help of another person. It consists of lying on your side, and a hollowed-out beeswax candle is gently inserted into the ear canal. Check it out on You Tube.
At the doctor’s office, they pour half a cap of hydrogen peroxide in each ear and seal it with a cotton ball (not my favorite part). You then sit for 8-10 minutes and hear it crackling and loosening the dry hard wax. The nurse comes in, sprays a small stream of warm water in the ear and then the nasty wax trickles out and into a container below your ear.
Once because my ears were so impacted, I had to go to an ENT (ears, nose & throat) office. They stick a vacuum-like tube in your ear and it draws everything out. It is as un-fun as it sounds. It’s cold and loud but, I had a large piece of wax stuck in front of my ear drum. So it was worth it.
If you are a sedentary individual, disability or age, get your ears checked. I wish I would have known this when my mother was alive. She might have agreed to turning down the TV volume.