Disability Resource: Other
Disability Statistics Center dsc.ucsf.edu
The purpose of the Disability Statistics Center is to produce and disseminate statistical information on disability and the status of people with disabilities in American Society and to establish and monitor indicators of how conditions are changing over time to meet their health, housing, economic and social needs.
Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting (FAIR) http://fair.org/about-fair/ A National media watch group, FAIR has been offering well-documented criticism of media bias and censorship since 1986.
Grand/Reiter Chiroproactic www.reiterchiro.com
Chiropractic care, Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT), holistic care, energy work and provider of Standard Process products.
Holsome Health Life Energy Center http://www.holsomehealth.com/ A place for empowerment, awakening and transformation. Energy work, Reiki, Massage, Medium and Divination Readings, Qigong, Food Healing and more.
International Association of Reiki Professionals www.iarp.org
International Center for Disability Resources on the Internet www.icdri.orgMission: The center will collect and present best practices in areas related to disability and accessibility issues
Missouri Assistive Technology Advisory Council www.at.mo.gov
National Benevolent Association www.nbacares.org
Non-profit organization focusing on touching lives of people in need, helping each individual achieve independence with dignity.
National Council on Disability www.ncd.gov
Independent federal agency making recommendations to the President and Congress on issues affecting 54 million Americans with disabilities.
Optimist International www.optimist.org
St. Louis Based non-profit organization meeting the needs of young people in communities worldwide since 1919. Optimist clubs raise funds for many necessities, with a new focus on beating childhood cancer.
Pathways www.pathwaysstl.com
Metaphysical items including books, crystals, music and more. A wide variety of classes and readings available.
Sacro Occipital Technique Organization—USA www.sorsi.com A non-profit organization formed to promote the awareness, underwstanding and utilization of the Sacro Occipital Technique method of chiropractic as founded and developed by Dr. Major Bertrand DeJarnette.
United Way www.unitedway.org
Provides funds to agencies who provide services to people with disabilities as well as others in need throughout the country.