Disability Resource: Assistive Technology
Adapt-Ability www.adapt-ability.org
Enables people with disabilities through technology, using assistive technology to help people with disabilities live independently, become mobile & be employed via job-site accommodations & computer adaptations.
AgrAbility: Missouri AgrAbility Project agrability.missouri.edu
National Project: agrability.org
National program that works to assist agribusiness workers who have physical and mental disabilities to adapt their homes and farms in order to allow them to continue to work in agriculture.
Center for Accessible Technology www.cforat.org/
A non-profit Berkeley CA organization which provides access to assistive technology that gives people with disabilities access to computers, provide art programs to provide access to artistic expression, and offer ongoing consultation and support to assist people with disabilities in maintaining and enhancing access.
Centers for Independent Living (CIL's)
Independent Living Research & Utilization www.ILRU.org
National center for information, training, research, and technical assistance in Independent Living. Good comprehensive list of all CIL's.
Missouri CIL's www.mosilc.org/mo-centers-db/
List of all 21 Missouri CIL's including contact information.
Missouri State IL Council www.mosilc.org/
Develops State Plan for Independent Living (SPIL) for Federal review, also holds periodic statewide meetings to Discuss CIL activity and how disability legislation affects Missouri citizens.
Eldorado Mobility/Amerivan www.eldoradomobility.com
The Amerivan is built to last, just like our legendary bus products. In fact, we’re the only lowered-floor minivan you can buy with an all stainless steel floor standard on all Chrysler, Dodge and Toyota models. Our sturdy aluminum power fold-out ramp features a dependable motor drive for effortless, push-button operation. Door, ramp and kneeling are all actuated with the simple touch of a button.
Medical West www.medicalwest.com
Medical West has affordable quality solutions for all of your home healthcare needs. With a full range of medical supplies and equipment, Medical West will provide you with both superior products and a knowledgeable staff.
MEDI-EQUIP, INC www.mediequip.net
Mental Health and Insurance: Commonly Misunderstood Illnesses
Missouri Assistive Technology Advisory Council www.at.mo.gov
MO Assistive Technology Recycle and Reuse www.at.mo.gov/recycle-reuse/
National Council on Disability www.ncd.gov
Independent federal agency making recommendations to the President and Congress on issues affecting 54 million Americans with disabilities.
National Organization on Disability www.nod.org
Promotes the full and equal participation of America's 54 million men, women and children with disabilities in all aspects of life.
New Mobility Magazine www.newmobility.com The magazine for active wheelchair users.
Quantum i-Level Power Wheelchairs www.ilevel.rehab
iLevel® Power Chairs from Quantum Rehab® offer safe eye level operation at the speed of life. iLevel’s advanced functionality and stability strengthens independence and quality of life. iLevel improves access to one’s environment and enhances social interaction by allowing operation of the power chair with the seat elevated (up to 10 inches) while at walking speed (up to 3.5 mph).
Rehabilitation Engineering & Assistive Technology Society of North America (RESNA) www.resna.org
An interdisciplinary association of people with a common interest in technology and disability, whose purpose is to improve the potential of people with disabilities to achieve their goals through the use of technology.
Urinary Catheter Systems: www.Hollisterpeoplefirst.com
Not everyone has the freedom to urinate when they feel it is convenient. These kinds of problems can cause inconvenience, pain and embarrassment. Catheter technology can help people better manage urological issues. Using intermittent (also known as ‘in and out’) urinary catheters is a useful way to empty the bladder and manage a bladder that is not functioning properly.
Government Agencies:
Missouri Assistive Technology Project www.at.mo.gov
Mission is to increase access to assistive technology for Missourians with all types of disabilities, of all ages.
Missouri Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing www.mcdhh.mo.gov Functions as an agency of the state to advocate public policies, regulations and programs to improve the quality and coordination of existing services for individuals with hearing loss, and to promote new services whenever necessary.
Missouri Department of Mental Health dmh.mo.gov
Dedicated to combating the stigma associated with menta illness, developmental disabilities, and substance abuse.
Missouri Division of Vocational Rehabilitation dese.mo.gov/vr/vocrehab.htm Focus on employment training & placement and provision of Personal Assistance Services.
Missouri Division of Mental Retardation & Developmental Disabilities dmh.mo.gov/dd Division improves the lives of people with developmental disabilities (disabilities which occur before the age 22 with the expectation that the disability will continue), through programs and services to enable those persons to live independently and productively.
Missouri Governor's Council on Disability disability.mo.gov/gcd/ Great resource directory; GCD focuses on creating a climate in which all Missourians with and without disabilities have equal access to employment opportunities.