Access-4-All Appearances as of 2019

Staff Training

Edgewood Counseling
St. Louis Zoo Staff (since 2013)

Class Lecture

St. Louis University OT Lived Experiences class
Maryville University OT on Disability & Intimacy
Washington University Disability & Intimacy

Guest Speaker

Paule, Camazine & Blumenthal Law Firm
Washington University Student Occupational Therapy Assoc.
Meramec Graduate OTA Pinning ceremony

Ability Days

We have worked with the following businesses and schools:


Ameren UE
3 D Resource Center St. Louis, MO
BJC Speakers Bureau - Speak as needed
Edgewood Children’s Home - Counseling & creative writing program
Energizer Diversity Luncheon
Florissant Chamber of Commerce
Graphic Communication Printing Union St. Louis
Kid’s Country Day Care - Guest Author
Kirkwood Library - Guest Author
Lockwood Realty - Annual meeting
Memorial Medical Center Rehab Meeting Springfield, IL
MO Botanical Gardens - Diversity training program with The Recreation Council
National Council on Alcohol & Drug Abuse - Staff training
Paraquad Consulting Peer Support
Paraquad/Enabling Mobility Center
Pathways Unlimited Staff Training Jacksonville, IL
Ranken Jordan Pediatric Rehab Center
Provident Counseling
Rural Rental Housing Association
St. Louis Zoo - Staff Diversity Trainings, 5 times annually
St. Louis Science Center
Warrensburg Ind. Living Services Annual Meeting
Webster Groves Rotary Club


Affton-Lindbergh Early Childhood Education - Professional Development
American Assoc. of University Woman- ST.L - Keynote Luncheon
Amer. Soc. Interior Designers March Mtg. Florissant, MO
Assistive Technology Consumer Fair, St. Louis - Speaker
Assoc. of Science-Technology Centers - Accessible Practices Workshop - Disability Advisors
Assoc. on Aging with Developmental Disabilities - Workshop Presenter
Boone Center Staff Training St. Peters, MO
Daughters of Isabella State Convention Union, MO
Crucial Early Years Institute, St. Louis, MO - Workshop Presenter
IL Assoc. of Rehab Facilities 31st Annual Conf. & Trade Show
IL Youth Disability Leadership Summit Springfield, IL
Macon County Rec. Staff Training Decatur, IL
Mid-America Chapter Federally Employed Women - Co-Presenter
Mid-West Symposium on Therapeutic Rec. 2 sessions.
MO Nurses Association 3rd Dist Centennial - Keynote Speaker
MO State Teachers Conference - Kansas City, MO Workshop - Presenter
- St. Louis, MO Workshop Presenter
People First Conf., exhibitor and panel member
Power Up Conference, Osage Beach, MO - Workshop Presenter
Recreation Conf. Klondike Park, MO
Services for Independent Living Annual Meeting - Guest Speaker
St. Louis Area Directors’ Interest Group Fall Mtg. - Keynote Speaker
St. Louis University PT Masters Graduation - Guest Speaker
Univ. of MO RCEP Issues Forum, Overland Park, KS
University of MO-St. Louis- Working with Teens - Speaker
Washington Univ. Student OT Assoc.
Youth Leadership Conference, Columbia - Speaker Workshop Leader
Valencia College, Orlando, FL - Keynote Speaker


Universities, Colleges & Continuing Education High Schools
Fontbonne University – Class Speaker on Disability Issues
Forest Park CC – Disability Studies
Missouri College – Caregiver Program to Allied Health Classes
Sandford Brown – Speaker for OT, PT, Allied Health Classes
St. Louis Community Colleges
Meramec – Attendant Care Continuing Ed
Disability Awards Program Guest Speaker
Forest Park – Campus motivational speaker
South West IL College Belleville, IL
Univ. Of MO St. Louis - Students in Social Work
Valencia Community College, FL – Keynote Speaker
Washington University, St. Louis – Class Speaker on Disabilities
Washington University Occupational Therapy – Complimentary Therapies
Webster Univ. Accessibility Committee
Webster University, St. Louis - Entrepreneur Assoc. Speaker
Webster University - Communications/Media Class (multiple years)

High Schools

Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America Conference:
Wentzville and Bonn Terre, MO
High School Seniors – state meeting in Columbia, MO
Extended High School Wentzville High School, Wentzville, MO
Francis Howell Central, St. Charles, MO
Hillsboro Student’s Transition Fair Speaker at Jefferson College
Hazelwood West, Hazelwood, MO
IL Youth Leadership Program – Springfield, IL
Kirkwood, Kirkwood, MO
Lindbergh, St. Louis, MO
Marquette, Rockwood School Dist. St. Louis, MO
Metro Academic and Classic, St. Louis, MO
MO Youth Leadership Program – Columbia, MO
Parkway West, Chesterfield, MO
Parkway Central, Chesterfield, MO
Romulus High School Romulus, Michigan
Timberland, Wentzville, MO
Webster Groves, Webster Groves, MO

Middle Schools

Forsyth, Clayton, MO
Francis-Howell: Middle School, Barnwell, Bryan, Hollenbeck, and Seager
Hazelwood West
Hixson, Webster, Groves
Kerby and McNair, Hazelwood, MO
Nat’l Junior Honor Society Induction 2006
Nipher, Kirkwood, MO
Herman Middle School, Herman, MO Speaker on Disabilities and book signing
South View, Fenton, MO
Wholwend, Melville, MO
Wydown, Clayton, MO

Elementary Schools

Alhambra, Highland, MO
Augusta Augusta, MO
Barth, Romulus, Michigan
Beasley St. Louis, MO
Carmen Trails Parkway
Claymont Parkway
Concord, St. Louis, St. Louis, MO
Crestwood Elementary Boy Scouts
Eureka Middle Eureka, MO
Eureka Cub Scouts Eureka, MO
Fairway Ellisville, MO 2005
Forsyth Clayton, MO 2006
Francis Howell, MO Becky David, Castillo, Central, Fairmont, Daniel Boone,
Gateway Michael City of St. Louis,
Grantfork, Highland, IL
Green Trails, St. Louis, MO
Harvest Ridge, Henderson, Independence, John Weldon, and Warren
Hawthorn Keokuk, IA
Jamestown, Florissant, MO
Kellison, St. Louis, MO
Lawson Hazelwood, MO 2006
Marine Elementary, Marine, IL
Oakbrook, St. Louis, MO
Parkway – Barretts, Bellrieve, Carman Trails, High Croft, Mason Ridge,
Shenandoah, and Wren Hollow, Early Childhood Center, Sorrento Springs,
Robinson, Kirkwood, MO
Rose Acres St. Louis
Stanton Fenton, MO
Truman Elementary, St. Louis, MO
Uthoff Valley Rockwood, MO
Viburnum, MO
Webster: Bristol, Avery, Clark, Computer, Edgar, Hudson, Stegar and Gotsch
Wedgwood, St. Louis, MO
Wholwend Oakville, MO
Woerther Ballwin, MO
Worther Girl Scout Troup St. Louis, MO


Affton-Lindbergh Early Childhood Center
Central Francis-Howell Early Childhood Center
Kid’s Country, Barnhardt, MO
Hackmann Francis-Howell Early Childhood Center
Ladue ECE
Green Meadows Parkway
Francis-Howell Early Childhood Center
Peppermint Pre-School, Highland, IL
Youth in Need, St. Louis, MO

Religious Schools, Places of Worship

Affton Presbyterian Affton, MO
Affton Lutheran, Affton, MO
B’Nai Amoona Preschool St. Louis, MO
Chaminade College Preparatory St. Louis, MO
Congregation Shaare Emeth
Daughters of Isabella, Union, MO
Ethical Society, St. Louis, MO
First Congregational Preschool St. Louis, MO
Grace Episcopal, St. Louis, MO
Immaculate Conception, Union, MO
Immaculate Conception, O’Fallon, MO
Manchester Methodist, Manchester, MO
St. Dominic Savio, Affton, MO
St. Gertrude, Washington, MO
St. Vincent’s, St. Louis, MO
Temple Emanuel, St. Louis, MO
United Hebrew Temple, St. Louis, MO

Learn more about Katie's programs!